Sunday, August 6, 2017

First Draft, Campnanowrimo, and My Cocktails

For those who aren't familiar with NaNoWriMo, November is designated as National Novel Writing Month. There is a website dedicated to this tradition in which authors post their project goals, and keep track of their progress, and offer one another support. I have used the site to complete three novels in the past.

In July, the site also runs a kind of camp for other kinds of writing such as scripts and books of poetry. I used the site last month to keep me on track to complete a first draft of a prequel to the Bartering Angel series. That first draft came in at just over 30 k words, but I am still polishing it and adding to it a little. I had initially been shooting for 50,000. Then I reduced the goal to 40,000, but 30,000 turned out to be the entire story in first draft form.

During the month, I also posted my word-count tally and my nightly cocktail on Twitter. I was able to actually come up with 31 distinct cocktails, a different one for each evening. Here are a few of my favorites. They can all be seen on my twitter feed @gamutman

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